Acquiring your new phone card
Getting your PIN Number and Dialing Instructions
What to do if I do not receive the PIN information within 15 minutes
Retrieving the Access Number and the lost Pin Information
Acquiring your new phone card
Once you have purchased a phone card from us, you would get an email which consists of the Access Number, Dialing Instructions and the PIN number with which you can make calls. The phone card is only delivered through email and not in the physical form. (You can also take a print-out of the calling card through our site.)
Almost all the verified customers would receive all the instructions as well as the PIN information immediately on the phone screen.
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Getting your PIN Number and Dialing Instructions
The unverified customers or the first-time buyers would get an email for verification request and would be asked to get in touch with the customer support. Once you have contacted the customer service representative, you would get the Dialing Instructions along with the PIN in a few minutes.
Almost all the verified customers would receive all the instructions as well as the PIN information immediately on the phone screen as well as in their inbox.
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What to do if I do not receive the PIN information within 15 minutes
Crosscheck the email address once again.
Sometimes there could be a trouble with the mail server.
You can contact the customer service through phone or can also fill in the Contact form denoting to resend the calling card's information.
You may also go to the "My Account" option, go to the "Purchase Report" and then select the invoice number for further details.
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Retrieving the Access Number and the lost Pin Information
There would be an email containing the Dialing Instructions with the PIN information for all the verified customers in the inbox.
If you are a verified customer, you may also retrieve your information from the "Home" page in the "My Account" option in the "Purchase Report" and select the invoice number for further details. Contact us in case of any clarifications.
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